mss india

Board Of Directors


Operations Director , MSS India Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mangesh Natal serves as the India Operations Director for the company. He holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from The College of Engineering, Pune. He has over 30+ years of vast experience in manufacturing and operations of engineering companies. He has been with the company since 1998.

Laurence Whelehan

Export Sales Director , MSS India Pvt Ltd

Mr Laurence Whelehan serves as the Export Sales Director for the company. He started working for the MSS Group of Companies in 1989. His time has been mainly spent working within the Global Power Industry on behalf of MSS India Pvt Ltd thus enabling him to learn about different cultures and develop business relationships in many continents that we are now conducting our business within, along with enhancing our global footprint and reputation!

Anand Shivadas Daga

Non Executive Director, MSS India Pvt Ltd
B.Com. , I.C.W.A. , F.C.A

Mr. Anand Daga serves as the Non-Executive Independent Director of MSS India. He is a Practicing Chartered Accountant since 1994 and is a Partner in M/s Daga & Chaturmutha, Chartered Accountants, Nashik/ Mumbai. Mr. Daga possesses a varied experience of 16 years in the areas of Taxation, Audit, Finance, Corporate Strategic Planning / Restructuring Advisory Services, Mergers and Acquisitions, etc. Mr. Daga is on the Board of following Companies : City Centre Mall (Nashik) Private Limited, EPC Irrigation Ltd, Nasik.

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